Everything is not as they appear. Amazon shows the big numbers but is it as big a long term threat as everyone thinks?
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Tagged as Best Practice
Greg's fourth book in a 4-book best practice series is now available for purchase
Tagged as Best Practice
There is a science to being successful in eCommerce and I have created the bible for it!
Download my presentation which has come from brand new extensive research conducted by Econsultancy
Consumers know they are being digitally followed, so retailers need to be careful with how they retarget ads
Tagged as Customer Experience Design , Digital Strategy
Video is the "content golden child"
Tagged as Customer Experience Design , Data Driven Decision Making , Digital Strategy
Greg presented to audiences on what organisations need to look and behave like in the very near future
Tagged as Customer Experience Design , Digital Strategy
For those who think physical retail is dead, think again
Tagged as Best Practice , Customer Experience Design , Data Driven Decision Making
To acquire new customers requires brands to listen to the market, understand needs, and build a solution to that need.
Tagged as Customer Experience Design , Digital Strategy
A great example of taking a physical retail strategy and translating it into the digital context: coupons for grocery