Click and collect popularity is here to stay. New research proves click and collect increased in popularity during the Pandemic, and as restrictions ease, this pick-up service will remain a popular choice for consumers.
Last year I wrote a research paper on the new shopping habits of the “Covid Consumer”. This research found consumers were forced to take on new shopping behaviours out of necessity, however, due to the prolonged need to adopt these behaviours, new habits and routines were formed.
As the restrictions ease over time consumers will head back to physical retail stores, however, new research addresses the question of which of these new shopping behaviours will remain as life slowly settles into a “new normal”.
The research shows, the click and collect service will remain an important pickup option for consumers. This finding came from surveying over 8,000 consumers in both the US and Europe.
Other points of interest….
- 33% of US respondents say “curbside pick-up” is a preference
- 60% surveyed said they will return to stores once restrictions settle
I foresaw this click and collect trend early last year when the Pandemic began. Click here if you are wondering what amazing end-to-end click and collect experiences need to look like.
This article was as tagged as COVID Retail , Customer Experience Design , Digital Strategy