Over the last few days, I have been posting how retailers need to pivot and introduce new services in order to capitalise on the imminent increase in online buying activity for consumers at home. New research is proving this to be coming true.
50% of Chinese and 31% of Italian consumers say they’re using eCommerce "more frequently".
People in affect areas of the world have revealed their lifestyle changes are forcing new habits and as a result, they are now buying things online they would normally purchase in-store.
China and Italy is one example but other nations such as Vietnam, India and Russia have also seen eCommerce lifts of 57%, 55%, and 27% respectively.
The research from Ipsos tells the tale. Have a look at the trending that is now coming from consumers who are now buying products online which they would normally only buy in store.

It's important to note, those countries that are lower in this trend, such as Australia and Canada, have only recently been forced as a nation to self-isolate. Look for these percentages to grow.
Are you evolving to meet the changing needs of your target customer?
Below are the links to my two previous articles which talk about the evolutionary needs of retailers to prepare for an increase in online purchasing behaviours...
This article was as tagged as Customer Service , Digital Strategy