The graphic below is an appropriate representation of the online channel where “pills and surgery” are shortcuts and “lifestyle change” is doing things right.
Which aisle are you standing in? Regardless of all the buzzwords, the online channel is like any other business channel. The only difference is the methods and subject matter expertise needed to grow it.

Any retailer reading this, pause for a moment, and think about an established/successful business channel you have currently.
How did it become a success?
- Did you cut corners? If so, how did that work for you?
- Was it cheap to build and develop?
- Did it happen quickly?
- Did you use vendors who were not proven? If so, how did that work for you?
Now think about how you have approached the online channel so far. Are you standing in the “Pills and Surgery” aisle looking for the “silver bullet” solution?
The online channel is like every other business channel…slow and steady wins the race.
- Be strategic - know what the future needs to look like for your business and how digital fits into that future
- Invest properly
- Align and work with credible and proven subject matter experts
- Push accountability back on the online channel’s performance and those vendors working on it
This article was as tagged as Best Practice , Digital Strategy