Fluent Commerce, an international organisation with an impressive Order Management System that powers brands such as L'Oreal and LVMH, asked me to speak on the nature of Business Transformation and how it needs to be approached to drive business evolution and enable business-wide growth.
The podcast is 30 minutes long. Thanks to Jamie Cairns, Senior Strategist from Fluent (who interviewed me), the conversation is fluid, and we cover many interesting topics.
The content below is how Fluent has promoted this content.
Click here to access the podcast.

Promotional Narrative from Fluent Commerce on this Podcast:
In this episode, we are joined by Greg Randall, Managing Director & Senior Digital Strategist at Comma Consulting, the author of ”Improve Customer Experiences to Drive Online and In-Store Sales: The 10 Principles to Achieve Customer Experience Success,” and a seasoned expert who has been contributing to the education of the business community for over two decades.
Drawing from his wealth of experience, Greg shares how to approach business transformation strategically, leveraging customer-centric data in decision-making and paving the way for success from a client standpoint.
Tune in as we also discuss:
- How understanding the consumer journey can provide key insights into the gaps in the online channel
- The delicate balance between customer needs and business objectives in the eCommerce space
- Why are most businesses not maximizing the potential of their online channels, and what steps to take to address this issue
And please share if there is someone who can benefit from this content.
This article was as tagged as Best Practice , Business Transformation , Strategic Planning