Managing the RFP Process

The RFP (request for proposal) process used to select technology vendors and service providers can be a complicated high risk event if the wrong selection is made.

The vendor selection process is a forgotten discipline and is crucial to get right. Greg Randall leads and drives this process for retailers who are in the process of replatforming and/or seeking out new vendors.

When businesses inadequately run this process one of two things happen:

  1. Senior management select the most expensive solution, or
  2. Senior management select a vendor or service provider based on an existing relationship.

Both scenarios above are motivated by self preservation, and is why many digital projects are poorly implemented and ultimately fail.

There is an absence of experience in the best practice execution of the RFP process for eCommerce/digital solutions.

Greg Randall fills this gap in the market.

Ready to grow? Let's go!

Why is the RFP process difficult?

The biggest challenge is dealing with eCommerce technology vendor responses. Put simply, these vendors want to resell their code. They will always attempt to fit your business requirements into their existing technology.

They take your requirements document and make suggestions that are in their own best interest, not yours. Why? They are trying to shape your requirements within the capabilities of their code.

The Retailer is left with different responses from all vendors making it impossible to conduct an "apples to apples" comparison.

Retailers do not have the knowledge nor the confidence to communicate and manage technology vendors to ensure these vendors produce a documented response in line with business needs.

Greg Randall is the middle layer and "interpreter" in this process. He works with clients to build the requirements document that hands tightly to the business strategy, then translates it into language the vendors can understand.

Greg then works with the vendors to ensure they respond with a document that aligns to exactly what the business needs.

This is the value Greg Randall delivers.

The Benefits of using Greg Randall

The Benefits of using Greg Randall

Greg Randall has experiences in the planning and management of hundreds of eCommerce projects of varying sizes and complexity.

Greg Randall understands how eCommerce technology and specialist eCommerce services are meant to align and complement business strategy.

Greg Randall has years of experience managing all the different skillsets required to build digital channels: senior developers, HTML/CSS specialists, senior creatives, IT project managers, digital marketing specialists, data analysts, business analysts, and copywriters.

Not only can Greg Randall speak their language, he becomes the "interpreter" between the technical teams and the retailer.

Ready to Grow? Let's go!

What others had to say

Testimonial by Rod McDermott CEO at Farmers Trading Company

"Big reason for our success!"

Greg Randall was a key part of the Farmers digital transformation. Greg provided guidance for myself and the executive team on how to take our retail strategy and translate it to the digital channel. Greg's deep knowledge of digital best practice and how to deliver great online experiences is a big reason for our success.

Rod McDermott
CEO at Farmers Trading Company
Testimonial by Jeremy Krause Chief Innovation and Disruption Officer Global Retail Brands

"Greg researches issues, articulates a plan and executes with efficiency, making him in a class of his own"

Greg is the ultimate superhero when it comes to understanding the world of e-commerce. His rigorous ability to research the issue, articulate a plan and execute with timeless efficiency makes him in a class of his own.Greg's detailed strategic review empowered the business to implement quick wins and determine a priority list to take our offering to the next level. His professionalism and global experience backed by the data, allowed us to set realistic goals measurable by a solid ROI.

Jeremy Krause
Chief Innovation and Disruption Officer Global Retail Brands
Testimonial by Catherine Scheider Omni Executive Levi's

"Greg's data-led approach, references best practice and resulted in a an actionable and comprehensive review"

Greg’s approach to coaching was enhanced by his depth of knowledge in eCommerce. His skill set covers not only frontend applications but also technical functionality. His approach is data-led, references best practice and resulted for our business in an in-depth and comprehensive review, that was highly actionable.

Catherine Scheider
Omni Executive Levi's